Wednesday, September 08, 2004

You want to deliver when???

So, we had our OB appointment this morning. And while we have both said that we're ready to be done with this, even to the extent that it would be cool to have the doctor tell us that he's sending us to the hospital right away, do you think I really believed that woud happen?

To have the doctor finish his exam and say, "I think it'd be best to send you to the hospital", I wasn't exactly ready to hear that. Fortunately, he didn't think it necessary to send us RIGHT AWAY...only at 10PM tonight. Whew! That gives me a few more hours to panic.

So, she was 2 cm dilated and he said he could touch the baby's head, so at least we know he's head down which is good. But because her blood pressure was borderline if not high among other factors, he decided it would be best to get this over with. The plan is to go in at 10PM, get Danielle hooked up to every machine you can think of, start the inducement medicine (whatever that's called) and some sleep medicine so she can sleep through the night. If all goes well, the doctor will plan on being there at 8:30 tomorrow morning and have Joshua by noon.

I think I've passed the nervous stage and entered the extreme nesting stage. I mean...I've been more of the "nester" than Danielle has, mostly because she really can't move around that much for very long and there was a lot to do. But now, it's hightened. I'd love to take a nap, but am not sure that's going to happen. *sigh* As though I'm going to get any sleep after tomorrow anyway...oh well.

Just part of the great adventure Danielle and I signed up for when we got married. What a blast!!!!

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