Thursday, September 09, 2004

Welcome to the world!

At 6:33PM tonight, we welcomed into this world Joshua Dean Cannon. He was 8 lbs 11 oz and about 21 inches long. He is a big boy! As much as we wanted to avoid it, we had to do a C-Section to get him out. He hadn't dropped for several hours and there were too many other factors that seemed to prevent him from coming through the regular birth canal. Not to mention it was really starting to get painful for Danielle. The epidural was great, but it was just taking too long and it was about time.

Mommy is doing fine, but very sore from the procedure. Daddy is extremely tired and only home long enough to take a shower, eat and then go back. I did bring home one of the receiving blankets, so that our dog, Goldie, could begin to get used to the scent. Of course, the Del Taco scent is probably overpowering that right now.

Of course, he is the cutest boy you've ever seen! Pictures will be long as I can figure out how to post a picture on this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We guess we're the first ones to comment on this momentous blog. Congratulations!!! We're so excited for you guys! We wondered when we hadn't heard anything more if things weren't progressing exactly as planned. Inducement is nothing less than pure torture and after having it with Aaron, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. My sister always has said (and others I know too) that C-section is the only way to go! To each, his own. Anyway, the most important thing is that you have a BABY! A healthy BABY, happy parents and HUGE adventure before you (not to mention many sleep deprived days and nights! We love you and look forward to the pictures! Linda and Bruce