Friday, September 24, 2004

Goodbye for now

Lisa left yesterday to go back to the ship (the Anastasis with Mercy Ships). It wasn't quite as hard to say goodbye this time as it was a year ago when she left originally. Probably because we only had three weeks with her this time whereas before she was with us for almost two years. Maybe also because we're a bit distracted with Joshua. But it was hard nonetheless...many tears were shed. Danielle and I love Lisa so much. Lisa's joyful spirit is very contagious. It was fun to see how much she loved Joshua too. She really couldn't get enough of him...even when he cried. I think it was hard for Lisa to leave him knowing that the next time she'll see him will be in about 14 months. By that time, he'll probably be walking and will have grown so much. We hope to make sure and take good pictures and videos of Joshua, not only for our sake, but also to send to Lisa so she can continue to share in her nephew's growth.

SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT: If you're interested in finding out more of what Lisa's doing, check out her web site at Of course, if you're further interested in supporting her and aren't already, that is always welcome. And I don't just mean financially. Your prayer support means much more than any donation you can offer.

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