Sunday, September 12, 2004

My what yellow skin you have...

Found out this morning that we will be staying till Monday after all. It seems most doctors are apt to want you out by the third day after a C-section rather than allowing you to stay the full 96 hours that you're legally allowed. Not sure exactly why, but it doesn't matter if there's a good reason to keep you.

Joshua's been looking a little yellow which indicated jaundice. And the nurses are a bit more precautious with this even though it's relatively common in newborns. So, they're putting him under the tanning lights throughout today (actually called a Bililight) which is to help get rid of the bilirubin (sounds like bellybuttons - "you're getting rid of his bellybutton??"). The bilirubin isn't getting processed completely through the baby's liver which is mostly just that's not fully developed to handle all of it. I'm still learning about this jaundice business. But regardless, I'm happy to let them do what needs to be done so that our son is healthy.

They hope that he won't need more than a day of this and that we can go home tomorrow. Let's hope that's true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We hope all goes well with bili-boy. We are anxiously waiting for those internet pictures.