Tuesday, September 14, 2004

First Night Home

Last night was our first night home with Joshua. The previous two nights, we took advantage of the opportunity for the nursery at the hospital to take care of a feeding or two so that Danielle and I could get more sleep. That was great for me and I felt 10 times better in the morning. Danielle still was getting up every hour or so just because she had to go the bathroom. But it was still nice for her because she could just get up, do her business and go back to sleep rather than stay awake for a feeding.

Last night, on the other hand, we did not have the luxery of the nursery to do that for us. I thought I'd be okay, but I could hardly get up each time he was to be fed. Fortunately, Danielle really stepped up and took care of most of the feeding, burping and changing of the diaper duties while I slept. I was really impressed, and thankful, given how she's still going through her own recovery. One time I did get up to help with feeding and also to hold Joshua for a while because he was a little fussy. I could hardly stay awake. What a weird thing...I felt like I was the one that was drugged.

We went to the hospital to have Joshua's bilirubin levels checked again just to make sure. Found out later that he's doing even better. Next up is another checkup for Danielle on Friday and another checkup for Joshua the following Friday.

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