Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Haircut, Fever and Idol

So much for being healthy. Joshua woke up Sunday morning coughing. We took his temperature and it was 99.8, so we decided to keep him home from church. After his nap, it was at 101. Since then, it's hovered in the 99 and 100 range dipping occassionally to normal. So, it's not enough to really take him in, but it sure makes him hard to live with. We love him dearly, but he's being such a pill this week. Either that or he's just exerting his will more. I think he just doesn't feel good. We started to think today that maybe he's teething again. He's got his bottom two molars now and perhaps he's starting to his top ones.

Of course, what one kid has typically gets passed to others. Abigail has shown a slight fever the past day or two. Nothing alarming, but enough that it makes her uncomfortable sometimes. Then I've been feeling under the weather the past couple of days as well. Mostly a really bad sore throat and just a general "blah" feeling. *sigh* I feel like it's been forever since all of us were healthy.

Saturday, we took Joshua to a kid's place to get his haircut. We had tried cutting his hair a week ago and he would have nothing of it. At least at this place, they have videos and games and other fun things to distract him. He did alright and they did a pretty good job with his hair. They even put gel in it and made a little ramp on the front as you should be able to see in the picture. He really looks like a little boy now. Kinda fun.

Finally, since it's Wednesday, I must provide my brief thoughts on American Idol. Bucky is finally gone. Unfortunately, this week, I'm actually sad. He did pretty well...especially compared to Ace. They all did the music of Queen. Ace attempted to do We Will Rock You and butchered it. I don't mind his falsetto so much, but that song was not the one to do it with. Last week, I thought it would be great if Bucky did Bohemian Rhapsody. Instead it was Kellie. Aside from her hair, I thought she did alright.

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