Friday, April 14, 2006

Fun With Kids; Good Friday

We've had so many photo ops this week, it's hard to know where to begin. So, I'll post a few here and hopefully get our photo site itself updated soon with a full range of photos.

Joshua is such a funny kid. He's totally into the "I want it my way" attitude and yet he's so funny sometimes, it's hard not to laugh so as to encourage the behavior. The past few days, he'll come over to me (or Danielle), take my hand and literally try to drag me over to where he wants me to go and then show me what he wants (a drink, go outside, food, video, etc).

Wednesday night, I took this picture. Danielle was going in to put Abigail into her crib and she comes back out quickly for me to get the camera and take a picture of this. Turns out tonight, the same thing happened. Of course, about a half hour after taking that picture, Joshua wakes up coughing and ultimately throws up. *sigh* I'm not sure we were expecting that. But it wasn't too bad...we cleaned it all up, got him back down and he slept fine.

Thursday, I took the kids for a ride in the wagon...really just to get the mail. But they seemed to enjoy it. I think Joshua had a kick out of having Abigail with him.

Sometime this week, Danielle got this picture of Abigail wearing some small sunglasses. Of course, she could've been asleep here and no one would have known. We have another one of her wearing bunny ears for Easter, but I'll post that another time.

Tonight was the Good Friday service at our church. It started at 7 which is a challenge for a kid who normally takes his bath about then and goes to bed between 7:30 and 8. But Danielle gave him some Benadryl before his nap (because he had some drainage going on) and he slept for nearly 4 hours!! So, that made it a little easier to expect him to stay up a little later and he did fine. He didn't get his bath, but that's okay.

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