Friday, March 17, 2006

Survivor Wrap-up; Sickness; Big Bear

First off...I must do a quick follow up on American Idol...Melissa was voted off. Sort of sounds like Survivor. Melissa was voted off the island. Just as well. Not sure I liked her as much, although I don't think she did as bad as a couple of the others.

Now, back to the children. So, Wednesday, Joshua got sick. He's gotten a heck of a lot more sick these past several months compared to his first year. This most every time so far...we think he got it from the church nursery. Kind of a cop out I suppose, but it sure seems like when he does get sick, it's either on Monday (the day after Sunday church) or in this case the day after the Women's Bible Study on Tuesday where there's childcare provided.

So, back to Wednesday...our sister-in-law, Sharon, came up with her son, Jefferson (almost 4) to hang out, meet Abigail and play with Joshua. She also was kind enough to offer to watch Abigail during Joshua's nap so that Danielle could get some good quality sleep. That was huge! Unfortunately, an hour into Joshua's nap, he woke up crying. Normally, he'd go back to sleep, but he kept at it to the point where Danielle had to go in and check. Long story short, he threw up (or insert your favorite expression - blew chunks, upchucked, spewed, etc.).

That night went okay. The next morning, however, Danielle noticed what looked like an infection in his eyes. We debated whether to take him in to the doctor and decided she should take him. It was probably good that we did. He does have eye infection. But he also has an ear infection. So, we got a couple prescriptions. One is some eye drops which he said might sting (oh joy!). The other is some liquid medicine that has to be refrigerated and then shaken well before dispensing it. Smells pretty good actually. We were also told by a nurse friend - other than Lisa :-) - to get an antihistimine to help dry his sinuses up. So, Danielle got bubblegum flavor Benadryl (kids get all the great flavors!). For the most part, he takes all the medicine pretty well. That's nice.

This morning, we drove up to Big Bear to the cabin that we share. A couple of friends of ours wanted to use it and so we drove up with them to open it up and show them around. It had snowed the previous weekend and there was another storm brewing. So, I was a little anxious to get up and get back home before it snowed hard enough to have to use chains. Turned out to be beautiful up there during the few hours we were there and just as we were leaving the clouds started moving in. We actually did drive through the clouds and snow/rain, but it hadn't gotten bad enough yet. Although, later that night, I checked the road report and chains were required everywhere.

Now we find that Abigail's gotten some of what Joshua has...mostly congestion, which is hard to hear because there's not much you can do. And laying her on her back isn't that good since the flem just sits at the back of her throat. *sigh*

1 comment:

WarePhreak Wyncoop said...

I hate it when the young kids get sick cause they can't help you figure out what's wrong. We've had all sorts of stuff going around here the last 5 or 6 weeks.

Fortunately for me, I've only caught something once and was out for a couple days. Char has gotten sick a couple times through it all.

Hope everyone gets better soon.