Friday, March 03, 2006

Everyone Poops

One recurring theme with kids is poop. I'm sure most parents would nod their heads in agreement. It's not necessarily something you always would talk about, but the reality is it's everywhere. Especially if you had twins. I hear stories (notably from Danielle's mom - since Danielle is a twin) about how once you change one diaper, you have to change the other and vice versa. It's simply a never-ending saga.

Abigail's movements are quite often an experience. They don't come often, but when they do, they pack a punch. It's as though she really saves them up for one incredible blast. She did that at the hospital after she was born. Danielle was on the bed changing her and Abigail let out this projectile that splattered all over her pants and arm. We did take pictures, but have refrained from posting any...I mean, this is a family site. Some things just aren't meant to be shown.

The other day, she released one that the diaper just could not handle. It was the type where if you just pressed on the diaper, it would ooze out the top or back. We have some friends who we were told had a record of using 14 wipes in one diaper change. We didn't quite make that record, but we were close. Nonetheless, this was a "throw her in the tub" kind of poop. Yeah, the babywipes can wipe it all up. But sometimes, it's just not enough. I think our saving grace right now with Abigail is that her poop just doesn't smell that bad. It's not till they start eating solid food that the odor goes downhill. I won't even begin to talk about Joshua's.

One other poop story...Danielle had let Joshua play out in our patio area which, in general, is safe. No sharp objects. No drop-offs to fall down. At most, he could probably climb up on one of the patio chairs and accidentally fall down on the concrete. But this time, Goldie had apparently dropped a bomb earlier that day in our grass area of the patio (although...there's no grass, but that's another story). Danielle didn't notice it and of course, as with any curious toddler, he had to check it out. By the time Danielle had noticed it, he had already picked it up and smushed it in his hands. Fortunately, he didn't choose to do any taste-testing. And it was firmer than most, so it wasn't as messy as it could have been.

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