Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas

Well...at least Southern California style...after having so many weeks of heat, we're finally having days where the highs are in the mid-60's and the lows in the 40's. Not only that, but we've had some rain in the past couple of days.

Tonight, we went out a got a Christmas wreath to put on our door. We decided against a tree mostly due to the baby factor and that Abigail is crawling, pulling herself up on things and overall very curious. Not a good combination for a tree with a base of water. Joshua is whole other story. But at least he's teachable right now.

We tried putting lights up last weekend, but found that half of the strings of lights we had didn't work. I think most of these were lights Danielle had in college and used to put up in her dorm room. Yeah...I think it's time to get some new lights. They're bought...just need to find the time to put them up.

Beyond that, Danielle put up a lot of our Christmas decorations last weekend. So, we're doing pretty good with getting into the Christmas spirit. Often times, it's a week before Christmas before we get around to doing these sorts of things. We've even got a jump on our Christmas shopping, which you sort of have to do with family all over the world.

Finally, tonight, ABC aired the Charlie Brown Christmas special. We let Joshua stay up to watch this. One interesting observation that I was made aware of by World Magazine's Blog site is how when Linus begins reciting the biblical account of the Christmas story, he drops his security blanket, recognizing the significance of the story. The blogger states he got the info from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Charlie_Brown_Christmas). Either way, cool observation!

Yup...Christmas 2006 is definitely here!

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