After a 4 month hiatus, I'm back and ready to blog.'s not as though I was taking the time to refresh and renew. Completely the opposite I'm afraid. But...I've had too many people ask me "when are you going to blog again?!" that it's about time.
Besides, I've been making some other changes in the web-o-sphere. Specifically, we now have our own website!
http://www.bdcannon.comOf course, it's not's really just a portal right now linking someone to this blog as well as to our new picture site. That's the other thing I've been working on. This allowed me to narrow down our set of pictures a bit and also organize the photos better in general. So, check out our new photo site either by 1) going to our home page and clicking the Pictures link, 2) clicking the BDCannon Family Photos link in the upper left corner of this blog or 3) using the link below:
http://bdcannon.myphotoalbum.comFinally...if you do go to our home page, you'll notice a link called Juice Plus+®. This is Danielle's new venture that she's REALLY excited about. And frankly, it's a pretty cool deal. You have all heard the 5 A Day campaign by the FDA or whoever it is saying that we should be getting 5 fruits and vegetables a day. Well...apparently, there's a whole lot more truth to it in that getting your fill of whole fruits and vegetables really provides you the nutrients and minerals that our body truly needs. Juice Plus+ is essentially a way to get 17 fruits and vegetables all in four capsules a day...and it only costs a little over a buck a day to get that.
I think one thing that really sold me on it was a month or so ago when Joshua, Abigail and myself were all sick for, literally, 3-4 weeks. Cough, congestion, runny nose, aches, and even completing the ordeal with the stomach flu of some sort. During that entire time, Danielle did not get sick. Now, I'm not trying to say that taking Juice Plus+ will prevent you from getting sick. But I am saying that it will certainly boost your immune system and likely will prevent you from getting sick as often. There's also a TON of research that has been done by major universities backing up this product. It's actually quite impressive.
At any the risk of staying on my soap box too much and taking away too much from what Danielle could share, just click the link and check it out. more thing...they even have Juice Plus+ gummies that you can take for your kids or if taking capsules is hard for you. We're giving them to our son and he loves them.
Okay, enough of my soapbox...there's a whole lot more I could share. But I'll save that for the next post. It's about time for the kid's bath.