Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What's going on?

Wow...has it been over two weeks since the last post??? So much to share, so little time before I likely fall asleep. I suppose I ought to first start with a final American Idol comment being that the season ended tonight and it's fresh in my mind.

Of course, we knew Taylor would win. At least over Katherine. Once Chris was voted off it became a no-brainer. You could even see it on Katherine's face right before they announced it. It was the same face she had right before Chris got voted off. Anyway, I'm glad that's over because now I can have my Tuesday and Wednesday nights least I'm sure my wife's happy about that. Oh yeah and the LOST season finale was tonight as well, so another reason my Wednesday's are back...not only that, Smallville finished a couple weeks ago, so my Thursday nights are back. It's a beautiful thing...

Now...let's go back in time...Friday the 12th, we had Abigail's 4 month checkup. I would share her measurements except I can't remember them off hand and the info is downstairs. Umm...I believe she weighed in at 15 lbs 10 oz and measured like 25 or 26 inches. I'll have to post an update later. Either way, she's doing well which is nice.

Saturday, we test drove the Honda Odyssey. That was cool. We even transferred the car seats over to it just to see how it would all fit. We'll definitely get this car. Just a matter of time. Later that day, I took our dog, Goldie, in to get a bordatella shot. That's always an adventure. Found that Goldie is at 22 lbs. She's been at 19 or 20 lbs forever! So, maybe she's beginning to pack it on now.

Sunday the 14th was Mother's Day and so after church, we met up with Danielle's family at a nearby park to have a picnic lunch. Earlier that day, I had noticed what seemed to be a rash on Joshua, but it wasn't that bad and we were in a hurry, so I didn't do much with it. Later in the day, it became worse and we initially thought it was a heat rash because it was so warm outside and because it was occuring mostly around the waist where his diaper is. By morning, it was a lot worse, appearing over a larger part of his body, and rather than wait the whole day for Urgent Care to be available (after 5PM), we decided to take him to ER (actually, Daddy took him to ER). The ER doctor suspected it was an allergic reaction to the antibiotics he was on the previous week. He told me to stop the antibiotics, he gave him some steroids and told me to have him see our pediatrician in 1-2 days to follow up. The weird thing is that we think he already had this antibiotic once before and didn't have a problem. Not only that, but he began this antibiotic a week prior to reacting. But reading some things online debunked that theory.

MORE TO COME...I'm falling asleep fast!

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