Saturday, October 16, 2004

It's About Time

No excuses for not posting anything till now. I could use the same old tired excuses like:

"I've been busy"
"I was too tired"
"I have a baby"

But why? No one will believe on with the post...I notice the previous post had to do with a potential Freeway Series with the Angels and the Dodgers. Guess not! about being blown out of the playoffs. The Angels especially could have made it a little more interesting. At least each team won their respective division.

The last couple of weeks, we've been blessed by having several people from our church bring us dinner. Danielle has also been going to a MOPS (Mothers of Pre Schoolers) group. Okay...before you make some comment about how we don't have a pre-schooler, it's really just a group for moms. Besides, Joshua is in the "pre" school stage, right? In the last meeting, a lady came to speak and shared about her...umm...I guess you could call it a service, even though it's probably a business for her too. Anyway, it's called The Grocery Game ( and it's all geared towards saving you lots of money on your grocery bill, mostly through coupons, but there seems to be a whole lot more to it. We used it when going shopping last Sunday and I guess we did okay. It's supposed to be a few weeks before we really begin to see the full effect of the program...or the "game".

So, we've been wondering how much Joshua weighs. At his two week checkup, he weighed in at 8 lbs 15 oz, which is about 4 oz more than his birth weight. A week later, I thought I'd check his weight by weighing myself and then weighing myself while holding Joshua. Came out to 11 lbs. I couldn't really believe he had gained over 2 pounds in just a week. So, I'd been wanting to find another way to weigh him and get a more accurate reading with pounds AND ounces. Somebody suggested that we weigh him on the produce scale at the grocery store. So we did that last Sunday. At four weeks and 3 days old, he weighed in at exactly 13 lbs. I then weighed him later using the scale method and confirmed he weighed 13 lbs. Yeah...I guess he feels 5 pounds heavier.

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