The past couple of days, Goldie has been having some "poop" issues. Without going into great detail, she started going #2 all over the condo...mostly by the garage and front doors. At first it just seemed like a type of passive agressive behavior (yes, we look at her like a "people" most of the time). But then it just kept happening. We'd be sitting watching TV and she would do it again, even by the front door. The hardest part was the fact that they were all runny...nothing solid. That is the hardest thing to try and clean...period!
That made last night a rough one since I could hardly trust her to hold it throughout the night. We got her on the bed and hoped she would just fall asleep and stay there. But sure enough, she got up around 3:30AM. I heard her get up and walk into the bathroom. We had left the door open and the shower curtain open hoping that she might actually use the bathtub to do her duty as she had done in the past. Sure enough, I heard her hop and as soon as I got over to her found her doing her thing. Of course, I praised her :-). It's much easier to wash it down the drain than to have to pick it up off the carpet.
Throughout today, she did it several more times and we also noticed redness in it like blood was coming out. We had already discussed the possibility of taking her to the vet tomorrow since I was staying home to go to some other appointments. But by the afternoon, it was clear we needed to take her in to get checked out. So, I came home a bit early and we went to a vet close by that we hadn't gone before, but had discussed going to when we needed it.
This vet...I'm not sure how to describe him...first off, nice people, clean office, very friendly. I also noticed he got his degree in '63. Translation: he's being doing this forever implying that he knows what he's doing. Goldie pooped in the waiting room and I joked that they could use it as a specimen. It would have been even more funny had they really done that. Instead, they just came out, cleaned it up, and went on with their day. Obviously, this happens often.
Back to the know, it's really hard to describe him and it really is a "you had to be there" moment. Danielle and I both agree that he likely has ADD and I went further to theorize that he hadn't taken his medication today. Again...really nice person, very relational. Danielle says he's overly friendly and enthusiastic.! I can handle overly extroverted people. But he goes a bit overboard. He would be talking to you and begin moving his way toward you like he's getting more and more in your face. I was standing there listening to him and he kept moving closer to me and I kept thinking he was trying to get around me, so I would move. Then he'd move closer to me again and I'd think the same thing, so I move. Eventually, it became clear he wasn't trying to get around me...he was just getting closer. He obviously likes to get "personal". The other extremely noticable thing was that every fifth word would be either my name, Danielle's name or a combination of the two.
"So, Danielle and husband, what you need to know, Brent, is that a dog's intestines are over 25 inches long, Brent and Danielle. And what's happening, Brent and wife, is the last 4-8 inches, Danielle, are irritated. So, Danielle and B, when your dog eats, Brent, it immediately causes the colon, sir, to contract resulting, Danielle, in the uncontrollable urge, Brent, to release what's there."
Really...the above quote doesn't do it justice. And it's not exactly how he said it. But perhaps you'll get the idea. It was just odd. Danielle and I left there laughing. I could hardly keep myself from laughing while I was in the room.
The end of the story is...he told us not to feed her for 24 hours and not to give her water for 12 hours to help get whatever's there out of her system. He gave her a couple of shots as well to help. Then he wants to see her tomorrow and I think give her another shot. To be honest, I don't really know what he was doing. I was too distracted. We'll see how tonight goes and see him tomorrow to get the final word.