Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Oh...and then there's the dog

As I was publishing that last post, our dog, Goldie, came and started pawing me because she wanted to play. Reminded me that I didn't say anything about her. She's warming up to Joshua more that she was originally. I think it's largely due to the fact that Joshua is able to interact with her more and he's becoming more like an actual human to her. He's even been able to play tug o war with her toys pretty well, which he LOVES.

The one sad thing is that we won't be able to breed her like we wanted to. She'll be 5 this December and the vet tells us that if we don't breed her by then, it'll be more healthy to get her fixed. And since we're having another baby around the time she goes into heat, it's just not worth it. Bummer. When we move to a bigger home, maybe we'll get her a playmate.

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