Sunday, April 16, 2006


Happy Resurrection Sunday! It is good to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, though we should celebrate it every day. We had a pretty good day, although it started out late. Not only did Joshua not go to bed at his usual time, he decided to wake up between 5 and 6am this morning for no particular reason. Actually, the last time I went in to check on him this morning, he pointed to a pillow on the ground. I put it in his crib and he laid down and fell asleep until past 8.

At church, they had an easter egg hunt between services. I hadn't really considered that he'd take part in it. But when the time came, we gave him a bag and set him up. We tried to explain to him what he would do and when it was time, he sprang into action.

After that, his dad relented and allowed him to have a cupcake that they made available to all the kids. Joshua REALLY enjoyed that. I'll post pictures of that to our photo site sometime. We took a family picture while we were there and while it would've been better had we taken the picture earlier, it turned out pretty good.

When we got home, we made sure to take a cute picture of Abigail. After Joshua's nap, Danielle put some eggs around our patio and did another easter egg hunt here. He loved it and it was very enjoyable to watch him "get it". We videotaped that, so I don't have any pictures of it to post. Hopefully, someday, I can create some streaming video to post.

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